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About Community Action Committee

The Community Action Committee (CAC) is committed to active outreach ministry in the Sewanee community and beyond. CAC works with St. Mark & St. Paul, the School of Theology, Sewanee Dining, South Cumberland Farmers Market, St. James, and community volunteers. CAC has a deep and longstanding commitment to the work which is continued on a daily basis.


The Mission of CAC is to:


  • Provide assistance for persons in crisis

  • Provide services related to basic human needs

  • Identify ways to break the cycle of poverty

  • Present the love of Christ to the community


We take our responsibility to seek God’s Grace and offer it to all people seriously. CAC doors are open to all, through the ministry that takes place in Kennerly Hall – St. Mark and St. Paul. It is our prayer that the work of the CAC will be a sacramental act that binds us together as we seek to live our shared ministries now and into the future.


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